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Terms & Conditions

Refund Policy
No refunds, only a credit will be issued towards future 6th Man Sports activities and events.

Enrollment Notification
6th Man will notify the parents by email. We will send an email to the address on the registration form one day before the start of the clinic.

Event Cancellation Due to Bad Weather
6th Man Policy will provide make up sessions in the event of snow or rain.
6th Man will call and/or email parents to notify about clinic cancellations. Cancellations due to inclement weather or any other causes will be posted on the website homepage the day of the session. For after school programs, 6th Man will notify the school to make an announcement to the children to go home on the bus rather than staying for the session. Parents are responsible for making plans to pick up the child in the event of a cancellation.

Late Pick Up
6th Man staff will make every effort to ensure the safety of the children; however, it is parent's responsibility to make every effort to pick-up their children at the end of the clinic. There will be a late fee of $25 if the coach has to wait more than 15 minutes with the child and $50 if the coach has to wait more than 20 minutes. The late fee is payable to the coach at the time when the child is picked up.

Parents must call our emergency number, 240 245.0134, to notify us if they cannot be there on time to pick up their child or children. We in turn, will notify the staff at the gym.
For privacy purposes, 6th Man staff does not have the parents' emergency contact information, but can obtain the information if necessary.

Disclosure of Child Special Needs
6th Man will make every effort to meet the medical needs of all children, provided that the parents disclose these needs on the registration form.

Uncollected Payments
6th Man will make every effort to work with parents/guardians to resolve uncollected tuition payments due to bad checks, otherwise we will have to pursue the recovery of the outstanding balance through legal means. In addition to interest (15% annually), any charge back, attorney and legal fees.

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